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We Need Your Help
The Apostle wrote the following to the church at Philippi: " Philippians indeed know that in the early days of the gospel... no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you alone." (Philippians 4:15) Even in the early of the Christian church, receiving donations to keep the ministry alive and vibrant was a significant need!
Current methods of giving:
Direct donation to the Winston-Salem Wesley Foundation via Tithely (credit card)
Donation to the WFU Wesley Foundation via Wake Forest University (formal WFU giving credit received, choose “I would like to specify a fund” from drop-down menu, write in “Wesley Foundation”)
Check: Made payable to Winston-Salem Wesley Foundation.
Mail to:
Winston-Salem Wesley Foundation
P.O. Box 7433
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
You can also help support us through our Amazon Wishlist!
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